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The management’s experience with China dates back to the year 1985. Thus, today we are able to offer an optimal range of strong points for your requirements. Have confidence in our experts and experience for yourself how profitable an optimally organized partner can be for your business in China.

The management’s experience with China dates back to the year 1985. Thus, today we are able to offer an optimal range of strong points for your requirements. Have confidence in our experts and experience for yourself how profitable an optimally organized partner can be for your business in China.

Many of our services are unique in the market. Back in 2002 we were the first to offer consultation services for the CCC certification. And we are still one of very few companies worldwide which can create quality manuals according to the regulations of the authority SELO for pressure vessels, boilers and pressurized parts. In case your manufacturing site is due for a mandatory inspection, few companies offer a comprehensive preparation audit for a precise evaluation and consultation on-site.

We differentiate ourselves from other NMPA registration service providers by providing free full-cost calculations including timelines.

For our sourcing and quality control activities, we work exclusively with our own personnel, which complies with our strict * Code of Conduct *.
Our level of know-how in these areas of expertise is unrivalled worldwide. With these strengths we would like to give you an advantage that will pay off.
Quality is our guiding principle in everything we do. We know that today this matters more than ever. We know that quality can be measured by the level of customer satisfaction. For this reason, our value-oriented customers have repeatedly chosen Cisema and thus long-term solutions: Quality for you in China – Cisema.